Friday, May 16, 2008

Childress, Tx

We're a few hours away from Amarillo. We stopped in this small west Tx town for the night after driving most of the day from Monroe, LA today. We're about 1000 miles (1600km) from where we started in Florida; and I'm about 2500 miles from home. Lots of driving...

Most of it's been uneventful. One glitch: my GPS is showing its age and the effects of hundreds of hours in the wind and weather while mounted on my motorcycle handlebars. Even though it's inside the car now, its satellite lock is erratic. (The unit is water-resistant, and has never been drenched, but still...) I assume the built-in folding antenna's electrical contacts are either loose or gunked up. I stopped at an autoparts place and bought some contact cleaner and tried to work it into the hinge area of the antenna, where the contacts must be. So far, the improvement's been marginal at best.

On long straight roads, spotty GPS operation is a nonissue, but we had to cut a long zig-zagging diagonal through Dallas today, switching roads many times, and the erratic GPS was a major pain. I did print out hardcopy directions, but using them is awkward at best. Plus, as those of your with GPSes know, the GPS software sometimes uses names for local roads which are not the same as the local signage. Working from a paper printout of the route, with no corresponding map, can create some real confusion.

Add in Dallas drivers, all of whom seem to have cell phones surgically attached to their ears, and, well, it took us a while to get through Dallas.

After the trip, I'll open up the GPS's case (the unit's long out of warranty) and see if I can find the trouble.

Anyway, we're in for the night. Onward to Amarillo, and the start of the tour, tomorrow!

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