Tuesday, June 24, 2008

large-file sharing sites

I recently had to shuffle some gigabyte-sized files around, and so needed to take a fresh look at ways to share very large files over the internet. Sad to day, many email systems limit file attachments to 20MB or so. That used to be enough for a book. Now it's maybe enough for a few vacation snapshots.

Of course, you can break a large file into bite-sized pieces with ZIP-type archivers, email the chunks, and let the recipient reassemble them pieces back into their original whole. It works, but is a pain.

If you have your own domain and the hosting service has generous disk space allowances, you can transfer large files that way. I sold my domains along with my newsletter business, and so didn't have that option. (I do have LangaOnline.com registered, but it's just a placeholder site with no real server access.)

There are commercial remote-access and remote-control services such as LogMeIn or GoToMyPC. They can work great, but are overkill for simple file transfer....

But perhaps the easiest way is to use any of the large-file-sharing services. There are literally dozens and dozens, and the list changes almost every day. But what you normally get for free is a way to upload a large file to a central server; which then generates a download URL you that can email to your intended recipients. They click the URL to download the file from the server to their PC. The server then deletes its copy of the file.

Most free services entice you to become a paying customer by "throttling" the upload or download speeds so transferring a large file takes quite a while. If you're in a hurry, you can bypass the artificial speed limits by paying the (usually) modest signup fee. But if speed isn't your top priority, the slower up/download speed can work just fine. Just let it cook as a background task while you use your PC for other things.

Some of these large-file services require that you install a small up/download manager. Others require no extra software.

Here's a list of many of the current crop of large-file services. There'll be some duds in here--- the services come and go all the time--- but if you need a cheap way to send very large files, this should at least provide a couple of options:

MyShareFile -->> Max File Size 150MB -->> http://www.mysharefile.com/

iHud -->> Max File Size 50MB -->> http://ihud.com/

BigFilez -->> Max File Size 50MB -->> http://www.bigfilez.com/

UploadSpy -->> Max File Size 75MB -->> http://www.uploadspy.com/

Streamload -->> Max 25,000 MBs Per Account -->> http://www.streamload.com/

BestSharing -->> Max File Size 150MB -->> http://www.bestsharing.com/

Content-Type -->> Max File Size 100MB -->> http://www.content-type.com/

FileGig -->> Max File Size 1000MB -->> http://www.filegig.com/upload.php

FileWire -->> Max File Size 250MB -->> http://www.filewire.com/

MyCHost -->> Max File Size 250MB -->> http://filehost.mychost.com/

UploadFarm -->> Max File Size 100MB -->> http://www.uploadfarm.com/

Badongo -->> Max File Size 1000MB -->> http://www.badongo.com/

AxiFile -->> Max File Size 150MB -->> http://www.axifile.com/

EasyFileHost -->> Max File Size 1000MB -->> http://www.easyfilehost.com/

FileHost.RO -->> Max File Size 100MB -->> http://www.filehost.ro/

FilesXfer -->> Max File Size Unlimited -->> http://www.filesxfer.com/

FTP.nu -->> Max File Size 100MB -->> http://www.ftp.nu/

OxyShare -->> Max File Size 700MB -->> http://www.oxyshare.com/

Up-File -->> Max File Size 1000MB -->> http://up-file.com/

11Send -->> Max File Size 100MB -->> http://www.11send.com/

Sharelor -->> Max File Size 200MB -->> http://www.sharelor.com/

UShareIt -->> Max File Size 50MB -->> http://www.ushareit.com/

UploadSend -->> Max File Size 50MB -->> http://www.uploadsend.com/

TurboUpload -->> Max File Size 70MB -->> http://www.turboupload.com/

11Mbit.in -->> Max File Size 40MB (Constantly Raised) -->> http://s4.11mbit.in/

WebFileHost -->> Max File Size 500MB -->> http://www.webfilehost.com/index.php

FTPz.US -->> Max File Size 1001MB -->> http://ftpz.us/


  1. Fred,

    I know I'm focusing on a single (mostly irrelevant) line in your entire post, but...you sold ALL your domains? You don't own langa.com anymore? That would explain why there's no redirection from there to here...

  2. What about non-compete? Windows Secrets just covered this sort of thing (although not as comprehensively) in a recent issue :-)

    Thanks for the exhaustive list!

  3. Yikes! I must have missed the WS coverage. Not trying to step on any toes here.

    And yes, I sold all the "intellectual property" of the business. All my domains, and their content: Langa.com, the Plus site, Freetune (the Old Browsertune site) etc.

    The placeholder site LangaOnline.com is a new one, so it's mine to do with as circumstances dictate. we'll see what develops in a few months.

  4. One of the most-used was not on the list: SendUIt.

    (It's from Davidville - the Tumblr people.)

  5. Another that I've used is


    (both free and paid)

  6. I am currently developing a web site that allows you to securely share files that are too big to e-mail. There are no file or size limits, no software to download and install, and it is 100% free. It also works on all platforms, including Windows, Mac and Linux.

    The site is fileai.com, and we are currently in open beta. If you happen to stop by and give it a try, we'd appreciate any feedback.

    Thanks! :)

  7. Thanks for the comments! As usual, all of us together are smarter than any of us alone.

    Of course, if you're sending sensitive files by ANY means (even just your regular ISP) it's a good idea to encrypt them. Something your content as, say, a Zip file with 256-bit AES encryption will defeat all casual snoopers.

  8. Yikes! You can't edit comments in blogger, can you...

    What I was trying to type before spelling auto-correct stepped in, was:

    Sending your content as, say, a Zip file with 256-bit AES encryption will defeat all casual snoopers.

  9. try http://youconvertit.com

    they have section for sending large files also offering many services like converting anything

  10. Another excellent service is www.yousendit.com

  11. Thanks. Mail is also now equally powerful and many providers like hotmail allow attachments in Gbs. Also worth mentioning is torrents.
    How to share large files over the internet
