Friday, August 22, 2008

Google offers up writing criticism.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but Google's little ad-bot made a surprising choice the other day.

Supposedly, Google's "AdSense" technology parses the content of a given page and automatically selects ads that fit with that content. Once it's found the most-suitable ads, it sprinkles them around the pages here.

But on Thursday, the ad it selected to run in the top slot on my blog was:

Do You Have ADHD?
Find out about an ADHD medication for adults.
Get the facts & more.

I don't know how to take that.

Hey look! A butterfly!...


  1. I'm laughing hysterically! It's a beautiful butterfly!

  2. Oh, Fred! You light up my life! I already thought you were GREAT when you helped with Windows. You're the GREATEST!

  3. Fred, I miss your Langalist newsletter something wicked, but was so pleased to find your blog a few weeks ago. Have thoroughly enjoyed your tales of motorcycle adventures, tornado chasing, and most particularly the story of the tornado near your home, which is not far from where I grew up. Your writing style is engrossing, and your funny little comments have me laughing out loud often. Keep up the great work. You never fail to enrich my day :-) Cheers from a happy ex-pat now living in Godzone!!

  4. lessthansign grin! greaterthansign

  5. Is it the red or yellow pill I take today? I keep forgetting. Ain't Google great!
