Sunday, March 29, 2009

Maple Sugaring In NH

It's that time of year, when the sugar shacks steam gently in the woods; and nearby, the scent of warm maple syrup fills the air.

Check the panoramic photo; click, and you can rotate the view.


  1. I've been away from New England far too long. I'd forgotten completely about sugaring time. Well, I'll be back for a few days in August..long past the time for fresh maple sugar/syrup.

  2. Looking at that panoramic picture, I'm kind of thinking that maple syrup, like sausage, is something you don't want to see being made. ;-) Messy place..

  3. Thank you, Fred. That photo brought back some of my most wonderful memories of childhood in the 1950's. I can smell the sweet steam we used to experience in the sugar-house we huddled in as the sweet sap was boiled down in a picturesque valley in Manchester Vermont. We also got to ride on the horse-drawn cart they carried the big barrels around on when collecting the sap from the buckets on the trees! Magical times....and far away from where I am now in New Zealand.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Fred.
    And..........I hear NZ saved 3 1/2% on its usual electricity consumption during earth hour.
