Tuesday, June 23, 2009

11 Words That Sound Offensive, But Aren’t

#1: Shittah
#2: Prickmadam
#3: Titular
#4: Dickey grind
#5: Cockchafer
#6: Horehound
#7: Cooter
#8: Hand organ
#9: Uvula
#10: Assagai
#11: Niggard

Full story:


  1. As a fan of the show, The Animaniacs (from back in the 90's), this brings to mind a song of theirs:

    Lake Titicaca, oh Lake Titicaca
    It's between Bolivia and Peru.
    Lake Titicaca, oh Lake Titicaca
    With waters tranquil and blue.
    Oh Lake Titicaca, yes Lake Titicaca
    Why do we sing of its fame?
    Lake Titicaca, yes Lake Titicaca
    'Cause we really like saying its name!

  2. The guy forgot "thespian." I remember a humorous monologue called something like "non-offensive political smear speech" from public radio several years back. It was full of these.

  3. Too bad about niggard, and by extension niggling. They are such apt words.
    How's about 'meretriciously bedizened' - sounds flattering, but isn't.
