Thursday, October 29, 2009

Are you a geek? Want a laugh?

If you're even a little into science, last night's might be the best Colbert Report ever.

The British physicist (and Science Channel rock star) Brian Cox is in the interview segment. Colbert riffs on Relativity and the Higg's boson, showing just how freakishly smart and well-informed he is.

The show's writers were also inspired, with some wonderful geeky humor about the Large Hadron Collider (the most complex machinery ever constructed by humans), which just restarted operation in Switzerland.

Almost the whole show is science humor, except for a few political minutes at the beginning, where Joe Liberman is offered up for sacrifice.

It's a great episode. It'll be rebroadcast on Comedy Channel at 7 tonight, or is available for live streaming . Highly recommended!

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