Monday, October 19, 2009

These are wonderful!

These T-Shirt designs are probably too subtle to affect the people who need the message, but wonderful nonetheless:



  1. I got most of them! 'Got' in the sense of understood what idea they were alluding to. Didn't get the ones with the square and four curved arrows, unicorn, or sun with beetle. (or did the Beatles have a song, Here comes the sun?) But Queen Victoria really was an alien, y'know.

  2. @ Rogers George: Square/arrows is a Time Cube. Oh, yes, time's cubic, y'know. Just ask Gene Ray. And if you don't agree, you're EVIL. The unicorn is an invisible unicorn. Those little suckers have their horns in everything. And the sun with scarab is from Egyptian cosmology (the scarab pushes the sun through the sky).

    But that's not Queen Victoria! It's either Queen Eliabeth or, more likely, the Queen Mother, now, alas, gone to the great herpetarium in the sky.
