Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ghostbusting Windows' built-in startup manager

Reader Ed Blake wrote:
  • "When installing software, I've noticed that some programs insert little tidbits into the Startup display on Msconfig. When installing a program now, I make sure not to allow the program to insert items into the Startup area.

    "When I go to uninstall programs, I notice that their footprints are still visible in the Msconfig file. How does one purge the Msconfig window of unwanted (no longer installed) entries?"

My column in Windows Secrets this week tells you how to correct these ghost entries in Msconfig. (It's easy, and free!)

Other topics this week include:

  • Clean install? What about OEM drivers? (Sometimes, installing OEM drivers is a mistake!)

  • Annotate files to make them easy to identify (easy, free ways to help remember what various downloaded files are for)

  • Just how trustworthy is the 'Web of Trust'? (Answer: so-so. Here's why, and how to avoid getting false positives)
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Posted via email from Fred's posterous

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