Monday, December 28, 2009

Must... not...make... sexist... joke. Failing...

Chinese mall to open special parking lot for women drivers

A Chinese provincial shopping center is opening a special parking lot soon exclusively for women drivers that will  include extra lighting and wider spaces to keep down the number of collisions,  the Global Times reports.

The newspaper, quoting Hebei Youth Daily, says the underground lot will be located at the Wanxiang Tiancheng shopping center in Shijiazhuang, a provincial capital.

The parking area, which will be free for several months, will also feature colored lights (pink and purple) and "cute cartoon pictures" for decoration, the paper promises.

To improve visibility, it will feature three lights in every parking space, the paper says.

"The lot offers wider parking spaces especially designed for female drivers, who tend to cause twice as many collisions in parking lots than in other places, according to insurance company data," the Global Times says.

Specially trained female parking guides will also be on hand to direct the drivers when they pull in, the Global Times says.

(Posted by Doug Stanglin)


Posted via web from Fred's posterous

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