Friday, December 11, 2009

One Sentence

One Sentence ( ) is an experiment in brevity. Most of the best stories that we tell from our lives have one really, really good part that make the rest of the boring story worth it.

This is about that one line.

This is about telling the most interesting or poignant story possible in the least amount of words.

This is about small bite-sized pieces of extraordinary lives and ordinary lives alike... the happy, the sad, the funny, the depressing.

Here's a sampling, collected my a different site, :

When I was 5 or so my mom would tell me to lie down before she tied my tie and I just now realized at the age of 19 that she did this because she's a funeral director.

We didn't wait till our wedding night and we were a little late for our reception.

Shortly after a palliative care nurse suggested Preparation H as a treatment for my weeping-induced under-eye bags, my mother, who was dying of cancer, opened her eyes and left me with these parting words of wisdom to sustain me after she died: "Whatever you do, do NOT put ass cream on your face."

As you were breaking up with me, all I could think about were those mornings when you compared the Pop-Tarts and gave me the one with more frosting.

One night on ecstasy, I stopped a fight between two drag queens in the ladies restroom and then I made them give each other a hug.

I only realized how strange my life was when I received a full scholarship for having a father in prison for murder.

My cat challenged me to a game of "Guess Where I Pooped Before You Step In It" and I lost.

I held my father's hand as he died in that hospital room and realized I'd never held his hand before that moment.

Only a few blocks from home my 3-year-old brother opened the rear door of our family's Dodge Polara, and quick as a wink he was gone.

His efforts were so valiant, I didn't have the heart to tell him it was front clasp.

I realized I might have drinking problem one night in my car, which was upside down and on fire.

Today you shaved your hair into a mohawk to make my mom laugh over losing hers to chemo and today I realized that you are my hero.

My 8-year-old sister proudly declared that she knows that "WTF" means "Wow, That's Funny" and has been using it all over the internet.

I married my husband on our first date, but it has taken me more than 5 years to decide what colour to paint our dining room.

During the party, an awkward silence fell in the room after my wife's grandmother asked me loudly if I'd ever seen a shaved beaver.

Three years into my English major, I finally ran out of BS.

I conduct job interviews for a living and nothing gives me a better sense of wielding karma than giving the job to the nervous kid instead of the better qualified arrogant prick.

After crying in a church parking lot for 20 minutes about the news of my best friend's death, someone from the church asked me to leave.

My online dating service matched me with my cousin.

As I woke up from my nap to find written on my feet "This is my momma and you can't have her," I realized that my child is very, very strange.

My cat died almost a year ago, but I still find her hair on my clothes and blankets sometimes.

I've never felt as guilty as when my mother took one look at me the weekend I lost my virginity on a class trip and said, "Something is different about you."

More :

Posted via email from Fred's posterous

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. What a great find. I've added them to my Reader and wanted to thank you by turning you on to this one:

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