Monday, January 25, 2010

Brane food

Brane theory --- an alternative explanation for the origin of our universe --- is gaining traction. Click the VIA.

Posted via web from Fred's posterous


  1. After "perculating," "supportative," "gravitaional," "onvious," and "plausable" I'm suspicious of Casey Kazan. And I only skimmed it... OK, I'll give him "gravitaional" - easy enough mistake to make, and maybe even "onvious" - but the rest? It's a good thing he's not the one who came up with the theory, but does he understand it well enough to explain it?
    Some of the comments aren't much better ("...there wasn't no Big Bang..." or "As an ex-academe sloppy grammar and sentence structure is like scratching a blackboard!" At least the latter commenter had enough sense to complain.) but I *will* forgive those who don't write for a living.

  2. Indeed, there is a certain irony to seeing a dashed-off article about a 4+ billion year old universe. But at least he gets the concepts right.

    Copyeditors were often the unsung heroes in traditional ink-on-paper publication operations. With the web, we're seeing what happens when copyeditors are removed from the equation. It ain't pretty!

  3. Amen to that. Thanks Fred, good to know he got the concepts right. Now I will read it more carefully.

  4. Isn't there at least one elephant in there? ;)

    The drawing is indeed a bit sketchy, but in this case it may--- may--- be attributed to drawing 4-10 dimensional object on a 2D surface. Well, that and poor artistic skill.

    On the other hand, the whole brane theory may be a crock. But no more so than the big bang theory, which cannot answer "what came before the big bang?" or religious creationism which cannot answer "where did god come from?"

    All of which leaves us up to our necks in warm turtle turds.
