Thursday, January 21, 2010

The care and feeding of laptop batteries

Many articles talk about extending the run-times of your laptop's battery, but that's not what this is about. Rather, I'm talking about extending the overall life of your batteries. Common battery-care mistakes will reduce your batteries' service life and lead to needless and costly early replacement.


Extend the life of your laptop's battery

A reader named Rick got a new laptop for the holidays and is wondering how to maximize the life of its expensive batteries:

  • "I just got a new laptop with Windows 7 for Christmas. The new laptop has a 6-cell lithium-ion battery. How can I get the most life from my new laptop's battery and make it last the longest?

    "Should I periodically charge and then use/drain the battery? Should I leave the battery in the laptop even when I'm using the AC plug? Will heat from the laptop when it's plugged into AC affect the lithium battery?"


That's the subject of the lead item in my column this week at Windows Secrets. I also discuss four other topics:

  • What causes the 'event ID 51' disk errors?
  • Should I use Safe Mode for routine maintenance?
  • Does a ReadyBoost flash drive really boost?
  • What's this about Windows 7's 'God Mode'?
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