Sunday, January 17, 2010

PAT ROBERTSON VOODOO DOLL! Proceeds Go To Haiti relief - eBay item 190365539998


  1. Not cool-Not good-Pat Robertson may not be perfect, but he is an anointed man of God.He has done much good! Be very careful for your soul as to how you speak or take any action against him

  2. You're entitled to your opinion. I'm entitled to mine: He's a senile old coot.

    You won't enjoy this, Anonymous, but others might:

  3. I would like it to be known that almost all of us from the Anonymous family are shocked and disgusted by what Pat Robertson said.

    The very existence of Pat Robertson is proof positive that God is very real because surely it is a miracle that anybody could live in a mind as small as Pat's.

  4. What about Danny Glover's stupid comments about the cause of the Haiti earthquake? Robertson's comments were asinine and so were Glover's, but the liberals aren't saying anything about Glover's comments. How come? You libs won't say a word when a Hollywood dummy demonstrates their room temperature IQ.

  5. Glover's comments were deeply stupid.

    Please also note that I originally didn't comment at all on Robertson: My post was a link to a ridiculous-looking voodoo doll--- funny in itself, and also for a good cause: the sale of the silly dolls raises money for the earthquake victims.

    Also, if you'd clicked on the Jon Stewart link I posted in a previous answer above, you'll see that he starts the piece ripping on stupid conservative comments and ends the piece by ripping on a stupid liberal comment.

    I suspect this won't matter to you, Anonymous#3, but it's one thing to actually be "Fair and Balanced," and quite another simply to have that as a demonstrably meaningless marketing slogan.

  6. Fred, what does Fox News have to do with this? Funny though that you should mention fair and balanced reporting, because that’s what the problem is with your Robertson voodoo doll image – with no Glover voodoo doll image posted, it’s not fair and balanced. That’s what I was commenting on. Links to idiots like Jon Stewart who occasionally just have to mock outrageous leftist behavior isn’t comparable to posting a provocative image.

    We your regular readers are aware of your political leanings, based on previous comments about AGW, Bush and religion in general. That’s cool – everyone’s entitled to their opinion, and this is your personal blog after all. But I believe that a majority of IT pros are generally right-of-center in their political beliefs, and since so many of us read your columns and other writings because you are a great writer with vast knowledge of computers, you should expect some blowback from perceived biased postings like this. If someone is reading the Daily Kos some leftist bias is to be expected, but it’s surprising to run into it in a tech writer’s blog. That’s all I’m saying.

    I’m disappointed that you felt like you had to make a dig at good ol’ ‘Faux News,’ though. I know lefties are gnashing their teeth at how popular Fox is, at how their ratings are higher than all of the other cable news channels combined, the fact that Fox reports on corruption in the government that the other MSM ignores, and how the stupid masses of Americans can’t just take their marching orders from the MSM. Of course Fox’s prime-time opinion shows are biased, but you can’t call their news shows biased, not with a straight face I don’t believe. I think we the American people have been subjected to leftist reporting for so long by the MSM that when any reporting remotely balanced comes along, it looks right-wing in comparison.

    I’m not going to change your opinions and you’re going to do what you want in your own blog, so how about this – I’ll just read your informative articles in Windows Secrets from now on. I just renewed my subscription, BTW.
