Saturday, January 9, 2010

Priceless artifact, only $5!

The seller's text starts, "Dinosaur & Human Track Fossil Discovered. The photo is of a Cretaceous dinosaur track stepping on a human track. A Cat Scan and other methods have proven they are not carvings, but genuine fossil tracks."

Of course, I'm not sure what they mean by "Cretaceous," because the tracks are part of the "young Earth" beliefs, where everything is only about 6000 years old. By that theory, there was no Cretaceous period, so there's that minor inconsistency to deal with.

But let's not let facts get in the way or a bargain! If the sellers say they're real, it must be true! Best of all, they have "more than 10" of them available! And for only $5 each! Eat your heart out, paleontologists!

Better still: These are the same tracks that young-earther Sarah Palin referred to in Sept 2008, when she said she'd seen images of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them! Really!

Get yours today!

Posted via web from Fred's posterous

1 comment:

  1. They probably mean "Cretinaceous".

    My favourite part is the "Cat Scan". It's a big sciency machine! How can anyone argue with that?
