Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pseudo-science sucks.

Did you know that when you eat meat, it stays in your gut for 40 years, putrefies and leads to a disease that kills you?

Pseudo-science sucks.

Posted via web from Fred's posterous


  1. If this comment were in any way correct, I guess that the majority of the population are destined to die of some horrible disease, and after 65 yrs.of eating these particular foods, I can only hope for a quick and painless death.
    As humans, which do have canine teeth, we are supposed to eat meat and are destined to die horrid deaths according to this particular report. Ohh, I just sufferred a pain.Wake up and smell the Roses or eat them.Your choice.

  2. The irony is, the folks who believe that "any meat you eat will stay in your intestines for 40 years" are the ones who are full of it.

    (BTW, the New Scientist article is about bogus "science" claims, such as the one quoted. New Scientist itself remains a beacon of reason in an increasingly foggy world :) )
