Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Climate wars: The complete story of the hacked emails

This is noteworthy for two reasons. The lesser point is that true in-depth investigative journalism is still being done, even in the age of Twitter. The UK's Guardian newspaper undertook an enormous task in unraveling the whole "Climategate" thing, and decided to publish everything they found online.
In a unique experiment, the Guardian is publishing the full manuscript of its major investigation into the climate science emails stolen from the University of East Anglia. In a collaborative effort to get close to a definitive account, we are inviting experts with knowledge of the events to add their comments and criticism.
That's innovative; something in itself. Everybody, on both side of the issue, can read and comment on everything. Nothing is hidden or held back. It's a testament to objective, open investigative research.

But the greater point is what they found.

Here's the series:

If you want just what I think is the most salient section, try this:

Posted via email from Fred's posterous

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