Wednesday, February 3, 2010

More re: Apple's amazing marketing

Does a Mac need anti-virus protection? | Technology |

I've just switched to a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard. I was offered McAfee's anti-virus software but I've been advised by Mac users and Apple support that I do not need either anti-virus or anti-malware software running. Is that true?
Jerome Goldstein

I don't know of any live malware attacking Mac OS X, so you probably don't need either anti-virus or anti-malware software at the moment. However, this does not mean you shouldn't run it. If you are a home user, you don't have to care what happens to your data, but business users do. It may be wise to take precautions, even if they don't appear to be necessary.

After you've waded through the profound ignorance of the above paragraphs, check this out:

or this:

or this:

or any of these 2.5 million pages:

etc etc etc etc

Nah. You don't need any protection! Apple products are magically perfect in every way!


Posted via web from Fred's posterous

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