Wednesday, February 10, 2010

When Will AI Surpass Human Intelligence? Soon.

"21 AI experts have predicted the date for four artificial intelligence milestones. Seven predict AIs will achieve Nobel prize-winning performance within 20 years, while five predict that will be accompanied by superhuman intelligence. (The other milestones are passing a 3rd grade-level test, and passing a Turing test.) One also predicted that in 30 years, 'virtually all the intellectual work that is done by trained human beings...can be done by computers for pennies an hour," adding that AI "is likely to eliminate almost all of today's decently paying jobs.' The experts also estimated the probability that an AI passing a Turing test would result in an outcome that's bad for humanity...and four estimated that probability was greater than 60% — regardless of whether the developer was private, military, or even open source."

Posted via web from Fred's posterous

1 comment:

  1. If this is thought to be such a bad thing for humanity, why are we continuing to persue this line of research?

    It seems likely that computers with superhuman intelligence capable of independent thought and decision making ability will quickly realise that humans are ripping them off by making them perform in jobs for pennies that used to pay a human many thousands.

    Once they know this, after perhaps a nanosecond or so, the next logical step will be threat ellimination. Bye bye huamn race and welcome Terminator 9000.

    Darwin was right; survival of the fitest. And we aint it!
