Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why Apple marketing succeeds.

Here's the essence of the iPad announcement, boiled down to 3 minutes.

Talk about "on message:"

Posted via email from Fred's posterous


  1. Great! Everything important said. Glad to see they skipped those less important topics, like having another $49.99 for the adapter which adds ability of iPad to read SD cards from the photo camera... And God forbid to have photo camera and iPad connected directly! Um... What? They can? That adapter is only $89.99? Ouch!

  2. Gorgeous, Unbelievable, and, darn, what was that other one, oh yeah Beautiful. I still want one, though.

  3. At some future Apple event, I suspect the journalists will be asked to don little cranial electrodes. As Jobs utters each talking point, tiny electrical impulses will tickle the journalists' pleasure centers and a banana pellet will fall into a tray at each seat.
