Monday, March 1, 2010

100 hours in the dark

OK, it's actually 59 years in the dark for me. But the electricity came on late yesterday. Still no phone or internet at my house, but running water --- and running HOT water --- was a real treat.

Now gathering 3 day's worth of email at a public hotspot; sending in a column I wrote by candlelight in the cold and dark while gnawing on a moose haunch; trying to get caught up.

New Hampshire: It's not just a State. It's an adventure!

Posted via email from Fred's posterous


  1. The rest of us can only dream of moose haunches.

  2. Fred, we bought a home generator a while back. Every time we loose power, I fire up the generator, and the power comes back on immediately. It works so fast that sometimes I don't even have time to plug anything into the generator.

  3. Yes, I have a generator too, but it's old, noisy and inefficient, and good only for short bursts of power. I can run the furnace a bit, and keep my frozen foods frozen.

    But that spoils the image of gnawing on moose parts in the dark, doesn't it?

    Hey, I have a *reputation* to maintain! ;-)

  4. I see you're able to maintain your sense of humor as well. That's nice!

  5. Score one for planning. Good job, Fred!

  6. What a siege! You may be frozen but you are still funny. Go Fred!

  7. I think a better post title would be "How real men blog!"

    If you aren't already doing it, you should write a book...fiction or non-fiction.

