Tuesday, March 23, 2010

geology and energy

FrumForum is a conservative blog run by David Frum, an author, commentator, and former speechwriter for George W. Bush who is interested in holding intelligent debates about the great issues of our day.

Frum sent some interns to a DC Tea Party rally the other day to survey them about the economy, taxes, health care, and energy. The crowd size was 300 to 500, and the sample size was 57.

The Tea Partiers were asked how much oil lies beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, in terms equivalent to annual domestic oil consumption. The average response was 70 years. One person estimated 1,000 years worth.

The right answer (official U.S. Geological Survey estimate ) is about 2 years and 3 months, based on the present consumption rate.

Posted via email from Fred's posterous


  1. There really should be a reactions category entitled "appalling." I think there are enough stories like this one to make it viable.

  2. Why didn't they "survey" the typical acorn crowd also?
