Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lord British's Lost Lunar Rover Found, After 37 Years

I'd never heard of this before--- the Lunokod, yes, but an auction to sell it? While it was lost on the moon?

"The guy behind Ultima Online once bought an old Russian rover, despite it being lost on the moon somewhere. And now, using images released by NASA, it has been located on the moon's surface after nearly four decades of being MIA, reports Wired. Richard Garriott, who created the Ultima Online multiplayer game, bought the Lunokhod 2 in a Sotheby's auction in New York in 1998. And so new was the discovery of his lost possession, he hadn't even heard that the craft had been discovered when Wired spoke to him." (Richard Garriott is also well known as Lord British.)   

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