Monday, January 10, 2011


Glenn Beck Photo FAIL: Fox Host's Site Runs Unfortunate Juxtaposition

Posted via email from Fred's posterous


  1. 1) Self-defense isn't violence, i.e., the initiation of force, which is morally wrong. Self-defense is retaliatory force, justified by most philosophies.

    2) Government's only tool is the initiation of force. (i.e., if you refuse its demands on you and your justly acquired property, eventually men in armored costumes show up with guns -- and they have no problem killing you and your dog, like the innocent grandfather whom GOVERNMENT KILLED last week just down the road in Framingham, MA. Or was he simply acceptable, however unfortunate -- and only the most recent [at least as far as I know currently] -- collateral damage of government aggression?

    3) The courts have ruled that the police have no legal obligation to protect you, so you'd better be prepared to protect yourself and your loved ones. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. They'll clean up the mess, though...

    (4) Just to be clear, I'm not a Beck fan. He's not a libertarian.)

    We're agreed on that much, yes? I'm not a fan of the right, either, but I sure wish you'd spend as much time hammering the left for THEIR aggression (which, yes, may well be more of the genteel "simply ignore the supreme rule of law [that's the Constitution]" variety -- but even the left still backs it up with the guns of initiated force)...

  2. That is, if you're intent on doing politics instead of tech now...

  3. Bill, put your tin foil hat back on, strap your guns on, and climb back into your bomb one will get you there.

  4. FYI the top of the blog...

    Fred Langa: "What comes next?"
    A mostly personal-interest feed; tech, science and some weird humor thrown in --- just for fun.

  5. I take it you don't have a specific rational disagreement with anything I wrote. So you've resorted to general vapid and unoriginal denigration (and reading -- I'm impressed, but "tech, science and humor?" What's your point?). As if simply snarkily calling someone you think you disagree with crazy somehow invalidates anything they've said. And you evidently do approve of the SWAT team killing Grandpa down in Framingham. That about cover it?
