Thursday, August 4, 2011

Juno launch weather forecast ( #nasatweetup #juno )

The weather forecast continues to call for a 70 percent chance of favorable conditions during Friday's launch window. The possibility of cumulus cloud constraints are the only concern as the typical summertime seabreeze develops in the late morning.

The outlook at launch time includes scattered low and high clouds, isolated showers in the area, good visibility, southeasterly winds of 12 to 16 knots and a temperature around 86 degrees F.

"On launch day, Tropical Storm Emily is forecast to be in the vicinity of Eastern Cuba to Southern Bahamas as a strengthening tropical storm (40 kts gusting to 50 kts). Winds at (the launch pad) are expected from the south gusting in the low teens during the count and mid-teens through the window," Air Force meteorologists report.

If the launch should slip to Saturday for some reason, the odds of acceptable weather fall to just 30 percent as the approaching Emily brings disturbed weather and higher winds.

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