Friday, March 9, 2012

Try the irony. It's delicious tonight.

(Newser) – Mary Brown, who became the lead plaintiff in the National Federation of Independent Business' challenge of President Obama's health-care law because she didn't have insurance and didn't want to be forced to buy it, recently filed for bankruptcy … with $4,500 worth of unpaid medical bills.
full story:


  1. Fred,

    Well the whole story is that she owed about $55,000 to other creditors too. If she was forced to by health insurance, then she would have gone bankrupt sooner.

    With the forced purchase of health insurance, she would not be allowed to prioritize what she pays to who. What if she owed *you* money, but couldn't pay you because of her health insurance payments. Now *that's* irony.


  2. Ah. So, insurance was never the issue. She was in financial trouble all on her own. In other words, the GOP's pinning her trouble on insurance fees (that she wasn't paying anyway) was a deliberate misdirection.

    Too bad she wasn't a millionaire. She could have gotten a tax break.

  3. Well...yes, you are correct. The insurance was not the reason for her bankruptcy. Forcing her to pay for health insurance would have prevented her from paying the other small businesses that she was doing business with.

    Why should the medical industry have priority for her money as opposed to *every* other industry?

    Additionally, the GOP wasn't mentioned in the bankruptcy article, so I'm confused about that comment. Or maybe I didn't read closely enough.

