Monday, November 19, 2012

Sherman, Fire up the Wayback Machine!

Remember this gem, from 2001?

"The Economic Impact of President Bush's Tax Relief Plan"


Of course, it didn't happen that way, and we got record deficits.

It's something to keep in mind when the GOP starts spouting the same BS now. Cutting taxes has never,  ever reduced deficits, not even once --- except in Republican fantasies.

But they keep saying it, as if it were true and proven. It's not effective fiscal policy, but it's a very effective lie.


1 comment:

  1. Fred,

    Amen. The only way to reduce the deficit is to cut spending, like on the military and entitlements.

    Raising taxes will either hurt the taxpayer or not make a dent. Unless your goal is simply to send a message or take more control.

