Monday, December 3, 2012

A National Security Expert Says What We All Know To Fox News's Face (video)

So Pulitzer-Prize-winning national security expert Tom Ricks, who is widely respected across both sides of the aisle, went on Fox News. Then they asked him some questions they probably shouldn't have. At 1:00, he asks a really tough question in response. And suddenly his interview that was supposed to last seven minutes only lasted two. Because he told the truth and stuff.


  1. Tom Ricks also said MSNBC is just like FoxNews -- only NOT SO GOOD AT IT you old codger.
    You have ZERO credibility.

    yer a loser who spouts nothing

  2. Hey Anonymous Fox News watcher...
    Langa didn't say anything at all about MSNBC. In your delusional black/white world, anyone who dislikes Fox, watches MSNBC. To try to make you not quite so ignorant, this is just not the case. I detest Fox News because they do so much damage (you are a prime example).
    I do not watch MSNBC. How does that fit in "yer loser" reality?
