Friday, September 5, 2014

The Red Sox suck, so the Globe finds something else to discuss.

I can imagine how it happened:

A bored sports writer --- Stan Grossfield --- zones out during yet another Red Sox loss.

His gaze drifts to the fabled Green Monster --- the tall, hollow metal wall in Fenway Park
that hems in the left field; it's dimpled with myriad dents from baseball impacts.

(All images from the Boston Globe.)

"Mryiad?" he thinks." Way too low. I wonder how many..."

So he asks around. The estimates run as high as a million.

Here's an enhanced image:

Many spots were hit multiple times, some hard enough to leave an imprint of the stitching and the Rawlings logo:

He does his own estimate by counting all the dings on one panel of the wall, and extrapolating.

He comes up with  211,044 dents.

He contacts an image-processing company which takes photos of the wall and uses software to do the count. The final answer:

But sadly, very, very few of them were produced in this dismal season.  :)

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