Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Hampshire Wildflowers

Two weeks on my butt in cars and tornado chase vehicles; two weeks of roadside restaurant food grabbed at odd moments through the day; two weeks of short sleep; all combine to tell me I'm not a kid anymore. 8-)

I've been taking long "power walks," hoofing as fast as I can through local hilly woodland trails, to undo whatever physical damage may have occurred from the enforced sedentary fortnight of the tornado chase. I've been home a couple days now, and I'm finally starting to feel normal again--- well, what passes for normal around here, anyway.

I have most of the tornado trip photos pared down now, eliminating the egregious flaws (Look! A picture of my thumb!) and downsizing the good ones for web-viewability. Still trying to figure out the best way to present it all--- as stills with text, as a "photostory" of stills stitched into a continuous animation, or whatnot. There also are the Blogger limitations, which severely restrict photo size and placement. I'm learning as I go...

In the interim, please let me share a little local beauty with you from today's walk: Lady Slippers, trillium, bluets, blueberries... the woods here are full of wildflowers and their scents. Gorgeous stuff!

(as always, click for larger versions)

1 comment:

  1. Stunning! :-)

    How about telling us in an upcoming post what kind of camera(s) you're using lately?
