Wednesday, June 4, 2008

at last--- videos

Here are the first 3, on a single page on google video. Be sure to play the files in the correct 1-2-3 order, even if Google displays them in a different order.

Or, click 'em one by one. Of course, with Google's lower resolution, it'd probably best NOT to run the video windows too large.

Vid 1



Youtube and the new Silverlight beta 2 are both refusing to process my videos--- I have no idea why as I'm well within the file type/length limits.

I've had that happen before: I can produce two files with photos from the same camera, processed and assembled into a video by the same person (moi) on the same hardware and software, and yet one file will upload fine and the other won't. The error messages from online video hosts are uselessly vague, so there's nothing to go on to find a fix. I've tried re-producing the files, changing their names, lengths, and any other variables I can tweak. Sometimes, a re-revised files goes up. But some never make it, and there's no way to find the problem.

So for now, it's Google, on the theory that something is better than nothing.

There's more to come. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Fred

    Just to say thanks so much for many years of extremely useful and enjoyable writing. You have done the IT world a great service. I have learned a huge amount from you over the years. I hope that you thoroughly enjoy your "retirement".

    I shall follow your blog with interest as you seem to have the same hobbies as me (apart from storm chasing, but you can bet I'd be out chasing them if we had them here which I expect with global warming we will in future years!!

    All the best and kind regards
    Didi Barnes
    Partner (Head of R&D)
    First Base Technologies
    Nr Brighton, UK
