Friday, July 6, 2012

Fast, Free DNSChanger Malware Checker - from Public Safety Canada

If you keep your PC up to date, you're safe from the DNS changer malware set to trigger in a couple days. But in any case, you can check via this simple two-page form from the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) / Public Safety Canada.



  1. Fred,

    I left a comment...which showed up...until I refreshed the screen...and then it disappeared.

    This happened earlier this week as well on a different posting.

    Randy -- areyoutryingtotellmesomething

  2. I got email notices of your posts, Randy, but they were gone when I went to the site. ou also don't have a real email attached to your account, so Y couldn't contact you directly.

    I have no idea why the post disappeared. Blogger glitch, I guess.

  3. Fred,

    Hmmmmmm...that's strange...I believe I do have a Blogger account as well as a gmail account that I logon to when I comment on your blog.

    Randy -- technologysapainbutitpaysthebills
