Friday, July 6, 2012

The Government Should Stay Out Of Health Care! Unless You Want It To Be, You Know, Cheaper.


Of course, "overhead" also means "profit." If health care delivery is more efficient, yes, it'll be more affordable for ordinary people, but those multimillion dollar CEO salaries might have to come down a bit. How un-American!


  1. I agree with the sentiment here. I *really* don't understand how insurance companies can make the medical services *cheaper*. Isn't it the doctors and hospitals that should be competing on experience, cost and talent (good outcomes)? The insurance companies *can't* make that cheaper...only more expensive, precisely because of this overhead. They exist to spread out the risk.

    I also understand your thoughts about the CEO salaries, but even if they were paid nothing, it wouldn't affect the premiums by more than a dollar or the most.

    I would love to try a system where employers do not supply health insurance, which would solve the portability problem and somewhat help preexisting conditions.


  2. in the USA health care is a business to make money

    in Europe it is a right

    in Canada it is the thing to have

  3. Thanks, Fred! Keep these kind of straight facts coming. Eventually, it has to wear down folks, and make them see sense.
