Friday, May 2, 2008

Many thanks

All I can say is : Wow.

Well, that's not true. I can also say: Thank you. <g>

It's been wonderful to read the notes here, and the literally hundreds of private emails I've gotten. Working alone, as a self-employed freelance writer, one gets used to operating without much feedback, so it's especially notable when *lots* of feedback comes pouring in. And it's even better when it's overwhelmingly positive. <g>

So, thank you all.

I'm hip-deep in changing work modes now, but in about 2 weeks hope to have some interesting stuff to post: I'm going on a tornado chasing tour! We'll spend a week along what's historically the optimum area for spotting spring supercells, hoping to get close enough to one to see a tornado without getting close enough to actually become part of it. <g>

Should be interesting! Meanwhile, I'll be reading through all the comments here and in private email. And again: Thank you for the kind words. Means a lot!




  1. Fred: I have been with from the "beginning" and I have enjoyed reading your articles and "fine tuning" my computer based upon your inputs. I certainly will miss you, but I fully understand your wanting "to do something else" after such a long time in "the cmputer business". I, too, bought my first computer when comput ers appered to "be the thng", and that has been OVER 30 YEARS AGO! AND I AM STILL AT IT AFTER BEING RETINRED FOR OVER 22 YEARS! Enjoy, Fred.....and DON'T look back!

    Reading the paid version of Windows Secrets will never be the same without you! YOU are Windows Secrets!

    Regard, Fred. ((from a submarine veteran for 4 years in WW2, and who participated in the sinking of 21`Japanese vessels (including a fully loaded air craft carrier, 2 destroyers, a Japanese submarine, and rescuing 12 downed american pilots during the battle of Tiawan, and had over 1000 depth charges dropped on us by the Japanese....but luckily they MISSED and I'm still here!))

    Good luck, Fred. It's been great reading your articles over these many years.

  2. Fred,
    Thanks for the great years. Without your column computing would have been a much lesser experience. I was a complete beginner when I discovered your column and you provided all I needed to grow proficient and enjoy computing and it didn't cost me what I couldn't afford. It's a big change but for me and I'm sure many others. gratitude just flows with the memory of all the good computing times. Take care with your continued adventures I'm sure you will continue to bless the world.

  3. fred,
    you will never know how much you contributed for my interested ans my "expertize" in computers...
    the "langa list" was so fun to read and missing an issue was unthinkable...
    and frankly, i never believed that your place was in "windows secrets"...
    thatÅ› why i stoped my subscription to them.
    anyway, i just want to thank you for all you gave me and to wish the very best for your future projects!
    best regards,

  4. Fred, All I can say is I will miss you. To me, it's the end of an era. When I first found the Langa List, it didn't take me long to become a paid subscriber. I never missed an issue and I still have them all. I too, didn't think Windows Secrets was you and didn't pay for it up until a few weeks ago, I then subscribed.

    I have learned a heck of a lot. Thanks for your talents and enjoy your new found life. If you need to see a tornado, come by Peoria, IL. We have them all the time. :)

  5. Fred,

    Good luck and wishes to you my friend. I have been a subscriber for, well I can't remember how long. Many of your newsletters are stored on my PC for ongoing reference.

    You have me beat by 10 years - I got my first PC in 1988 when AOL had about 100K subscribers?

    I hope you will now have the time to do all of those things you have thought about over the past 30 years. Time is your most valuable asset and I hope you make the best of it.

    Best wishes,

    Ron Coble

  6. I too shall miss you and Langalist. Thank goodness for the archives you made available to us. When you moved to Windows Secrets I always sought out your piece. I think it is the way you wrote without condescension so that one could always ask you something without feeling foolish.
    Many thanks and good luck, John

  7. Fred, my friend, I shall miss you and your light approach to the sometimes heavy subject of computing. I believe that what I know I learned from you; I found you early on and have every issue of the Langalist on disk. Continued success in life, work, love, and all things that come your way. You will be sorely missed.
    Traci Brennan

  8. Well deserved retirement Fred, enjoy and thanks for the memories. I will leave you with this from my favor poem.
    "May the roads rise to meet you. May the wind be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; The rain fall soft upon your fields. And, until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

  9. Alas Dear Fred ... I hate to see you go. Not so much from all the wonderful advice you've provided me over the last ten years, but more from the fact you salvaged me from PC hell. You have earned and maintained my respect throughout the last decade. I had a heart attack and heart surgery this last January and I know what it is to need to step away. For me, it was a message to pick a direction an aim myself toward it. I had started an online newsletter calle the Pranksterzette ( two years ago. A simple little single sheet html page I used to send to family and friends. Now, it is its own website with a couple hundred subscribers. I still refer to my old "Langalist Archives" for tips on my help page. Most of my readers are new to computers and like me, started out late in life at learning about them. What I'm getting at, is that you inspired me to learn about computers, more than I had wanted at time, lol. But hey, it keeps me in the game. Any day I wake up is a good one. It may seem like a lame offer, Fred ... But, if you ever need anything, give a holler. In the meantime, I wish you the best of health, a wonderful retirement, and the spark of life. I've considered you family for many years and that won't change.

    Take care and be well ...

    Rick Bishop

  10. Fred,

    I too will miss your writing in the Windows Secrets, but I wish you much happiness with your re-boot.

    Be well,

  11. Mr. Langa, I have been a reader for about eight years and have learned more from you then any combination of resources. You will be missed. But as I say to a number of my friends who are retiring. 1. Congratulations! 2. Enjoy and have fun! Nothing sadder than a retiree who is lonely and miserable. 3. Stay out of trouble(LOL) Good Luck Fred Langa!

  12. Dude, you're too young to retire! :) I'll be checking in with your blog. Best wishes to you!


  13. Fred:
    Started with computers in 1967! Have never looked back. Retired since 2000 BUT my computers are still very important. I will miss your work; you have been insightful and have given many good items of advice. Very sorry to see you leave, but life moves on!! Good cheer and do not eat any pavement!!!!

  14. dear mr. langa:

    i cannot thank you enough! you have a style of writing and teaching which is amazingly rare. you have offered so much to so many and will never be forgotten by those in the tech world.

    with all due regards, i remain,

    joe botz

  15. Dear Mr. Langa:

    I have been with you going back to the days of Byte magazine and I can say without a doubt that you will be sorely missed by me. I believe I was one of the first to sign up for your paid subscription to the Langa List.

    Your columns have taught me quite a bit over the years. I NEVER failed to learn something from them.

    As I mentioned to you during one the the telephone conversations we had, I was not happy when you went to Windows Secrets. That publication is NOWHERE close to what the Langa List was. Now that you're no longer there I will be letting my paid subscription end (I do not want the free subscription either).

    Rest assured that I will be here on a regular basis.

    All the best to you, my friend. May your "re-boot" give you everything that you want and need.


  16. Fred

    I am really going to miss your input at Windows Secrets and previous to that at Langa List I have been involved in computers since the middle '70's and had some scrapes in the '60's too. Expect to see you here at your blog too.

    All the best over the many years to come.


    Joe Hyde

  17. Many thanks Fred.
    Best for the future,

  18. Fred,

    I've greatly enjoyed reading the Langa List over the years. I've learned so much from your newsletter and for that I thank you. I've been reading your newsletter for so long I feel like I know you, even though we've never met, so I'll be following your blog with interest.

    All the best!

    Roger Davis

  19. Shalom Fred!

    Thanks for a superb newsletter. I learned more about life and good writing than I did about computers. My only consolation is that Chaos Manor is still around. :-)

    All the best in your new undertaking(s).


  20. Never again will I see my name in "print" in a Fred article, but hey fame ends for us all. :)

    Fred - whatever you do and wherever you go may you be blessed and at peace with yourself.

    All the very best

  21. Just wanted to wish you all the best in whatever you are going to do. I know for sure that you will approach it in the same no-nonsense, good-humoured style that has always been valued by your Windows Secrets readers!

    Ctrl+Alt+Del, I believe, stands for 'Can Take Responsibility for Life + All Living Terrific + DELights' (it never was the Delete key for me ... just pressing a button to clear one's mistakes was always the most awesome part about using a computer for me!)

    All the best, Fred,


  22. Thank for the years of computing sense and direction. I missed the Langalist badly, tolerated the Windows Secrets, but without you writing for them I no longer have an interest in supporting a newsletter that still wants to flog me with advertisements. When my subscription expires, it expires.
    You set a precedent with the Langalist that will reach a Hall Of Fame status for computer writing (when someone invents it).

  23. Hi Fred,

    Moved to Mountain Home, AR last year, you want "toranados"
    Come visit, and you can fish also.


  24. Fred,

    Looking forward to reading you again. I was a faithful reader for many many years but stopped when you went to WS.


  25. Thanks for everything Fred, mere words aren't enough to express how much I've benefited from your presence in the world of computing. I actually used to start "jonesing" for each new LangaList issue before they arrived!

    Good luck in the future and God bless!
